Best Stores Near Newport, OR 97365

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3 Results Found

All Thrift Stores, Secondhand Vintage and Consignment Shop Listings for in Zip Code 97365 Newport, OR

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Jonah's Whale


The owner has been deceased for approximately 2+ years. This was my FAVORITE thrift store and we shopped there many years from the time the children were young well into adulthood. The owner had a heart of gold and a mission to help the less fortunate. I ve never lived in Newport but when in the area made a point of visiting this store. I cried like a baby when I came by saw the store closed. The mailman was kind enough to inform me Kelly had died from a long term terminal disease. Our family was devastated! As the mailman said “she was an angel and her death is a loss to the community”. I couldn’t agree more! (Read More)

0.3 mi
614 S.W. Hurbert St.
Newport, OR 97365

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The only downside was that I went in on a Sunday and couldn't go back the following day to get the stuff I should have! Will be a regular stop for sure. (Read More)

0.5 mi
633 N. E. Third St.
Newport, OR 97365

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5.8 mi
321 S. Main St.
Toledo, OR 97391

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