Best Stores Near Traverse City, MI 49684

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6 Results Found

All Thrift Stores, Secondhand Vintage and Consignment Shop Listings for in Zip Code 49684 Traverse City, MI

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Good variety at reasonable prices. (Read More)

1.4 mi
1207 Woodmere Ave.
Traverse City, MI 49686

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Checkout is SLOW!!! Get the old and slow people off the cash register!!!! Or get rid of them completely. I avoid this store because its PAINFUL! (Read More)

2.1 mi
2279 S. Airport Rd. W.
Traverse City, MI 49686

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It is a clean store. I love that it's kept up. The prices can be hit or miss. Some of their stuff is way overpriced such as the some furniture, where other stuff such as clothes, house good ect.. are very very well priced. (Read More)

2.1 mi
2279 S. Airport Rd. W.
Traverse City, MI 49684

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This store never has a good selection. The staff is slow. And compared to other Thrift Stores in town, this one is HIGH! Really HIGH! Jackets at $40? Shirts at $5? Bedding at $20? Go to Goodwill and save some time. (Read More)

2.3 mi
1225 W. South Airport Rd.
Traverse City, MI 49684

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Worth visiting! (Read More)

2.4 mi
1781 S. Garfield Ave.
Traverse City, MI 49686

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This store is small, but I've found things for my garden here. It is nice to have another variety of upscale clothes. It is a good place to find older cottages items, after people remodel too. (Read More)

6 mi
3922 E M-72
Williamsburg, MI 49690

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