Best Stores Near Bluffton, OH 45817

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5 Results Found

All Thrift Stores, Secondhand Vintage and Consignment Shop Listings for in Zip Code 45817 Bluffton, OH

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It is very small and a lot of the clothes are pretty worn. There are lots of misc. items. Craft section priced high for some reason. Yarn was just a few cents less than in the stores. They do have a discount rack of clothes. There is a bid section of items. Clerks not very friendly. (Read More)

0.2 mi
111 S. Main St.
Bluffton, OH 45817

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0.3 mi
123 S. Main St.
Bluffton, OH 45817

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Not only do you get to shop for clean, gently used clothes, but the hospitality is great. Free coffee and snacks are served and there's always something going on! (Read More)

9.2 mi
210 N. Main St.
Ada, OH 45810

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Alot of my time is spent searching for my size in clothing since its organized by type and color not size. Misc. stuff on shelves could also be better organized. Prices are higher than in other local thrift stores. (Read More)

12.2 mi
820 N. Locust St.
Ottawa, OH 45875

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Doesn't give you that dirty feeling when you leave! (Read More)

14.8 mi
2100 Harding Hwy.
Lima, OH 45804

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