Best Stores Near Erie, PA 16509

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All Thrift Stores, Secondhand Vintage and Consignment Shop Listings for in Zip Code 16509 Erie, PA

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I shop there all the time. It has great selection and prices. I made money off the clothes selling them myself. It all wouldn't be possible without there huge selection and low prices!!! Go on Wednesday at 9am...most of the store is half off!!! Better yet, go on a holiday...the entire store is half off. You can really stock up on inventory!!!! Yeah the place is not the cleanest, but I chalk that up to the customers and lack of funds of the store. The customers that I have seen range from well groomed to straight up ghetto trash, wrecking the place. (Read More)

2.4 mi
1944 Keystone Dr.
Erie, PA 16509

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I have been in this Good Will Store a few times. I can not believe the workers they have there!! Maybe they are miserable due to their pay!! I do agree that the prices are crazy ridiculous!! Who does this company help anyhow, especially with the prices they are charging?? I’ve never seen this company support or help anyone!! I am a low income family, a single mother and i have never received any help or assistance from “Good Will” and now it is getting to the point i cant shop here anymore!! So basically they collect free items only to turn around and jack the price!! This is not okay at all!!! I didn't think it was supposed to be this way! Also this one older, heavier woman that I’ve only seen work the cash register when I’ve been in there, is so over the top straight up ignorant!! I can not believe they allow her to treat customers the way she does! Obviously they don’t care about the face of their business! I also just recently went into a good will store on the east side of town, they call it The Good Will Boutique, so now this company is picking through clothing and taking all the brand named items to this store and raising the price so much to the point that anyone who shops at the good will store will never pay the prices of these items! Actually anyone who knows anything about brand names and clothing would never pay the prices at this store, why because you can go to the retail store and purchase the items brand new for the same price or cheaper so why pay retail prices for used items if you can purchase brand new?? I can see upping the price a little bit due to being brand name but WOW it just goes to show how greedy this company really is!!! Who in the h*ll prices the items here??? I don’t think they know what they are doing!!!! Things you’d think would be $1 are $5 and the things you’d think would be $5 are marked for $1 haha so stupid!!! A bag of pipe cleaners for crafting for $3.99 and a medium size picture frame for $1 as an example haha (Read More)

2.5 mi
7200 Peach St.
Erie, PA 16509

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This place is literally a sewer. It is in the basement, and when it rains, the whole place smells like sewer gas. I go to the place now and then when I feel the other Salvation Army on Peach Street didn't have enough good things for me to stock up on. The staff is a bit rude. One time a homeless women was sleeping on the bench located in the parking lot. The staff didn't like that and forced her up. She ended up going inside, and she had her period all over her pants. It was the most gross thing I have ever seen. I got the hell out of there. (Read More)

5.4 mi
1209 Sassafras St.
Erie, PA 16501

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If you are a crafter this is the store :) (Read More)

5.5 mi
1516 Buffalo Rd.
Erie, PA 16510

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Prices way too high for a thrift store. They had better prices and better selections, when located in the West Erie Plaza. (Read More)

5.8 mi
2064 W. 16th St.
Erie, PA 16505

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6.3 mi
1136 E. Lake Rd.
Erie, PA 16507

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I used to love this place. They still have stuff for 25 cents, but most stuff is now priced pretty high. The boutique area has shirts that are priced at $8.00! I think it is the boss Cynthia scaring the other workers to do what she tells them. I tried to buy something and it wasn't priced, which makes it a quarter. They assumed I ripped a tag off because there was no price. Other lady says, "Here's some tags I found on the floor" Made me feel really embarrassed. They know me and I have been going there for years. Also I lost my purse in there before and Cynthia didn't believe me. She reached into MY purse, dug around, got into my wallet and looked back and forth from my ID to me several times. The nice staff are gone. They all judge you and soon as you turn your back, believe me they will be gossiping about you. (Read More)

13 mi
128 Sunset Dr.
Edinboro, PA 16412

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14.5 mi
8 W. High St.
Union City, PA 16438

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