From: ME
While I was pregnant I worked 5 hours a day, 4 days a week, at the Step One office on Windsong as a volunteer. I've been to the women's shelter and I have prepared many things to their cause. I have seen the cost of the products that they must buy to maintain the stores and shelter and I don't think that you know much about Stepping Stones. The government does not give them the money that they had agreed, so they make all the money on their own. Processing paper work is expensive. Over half of the staff who work at the main office are family and most of the "employees" at the thrift stores are volunteers. They must by law have hired employees to manage the money, but the people who work in the back are all volunteers, like me. They even have volunteers who do the shopping for the shelter. There are also some employees who work at the shelter, but the educators for the children are volunteers. I know this because I was going to volunteer for that work since I was a teacher. I have donated clothing and my old toys from childhood that go directly to the shelter, they have bins of items that have necessities for living since most of the victims come to the house with absolutely nothing but the clothes on their back. Stepping stones buys them shampoo, deodorant, tooth brushes, tooth paste, soap, food and anything else that are required for living. Items that aren't donated must be bought. And for 10-20 adults with children, that can get expensive.
The people who work at stepping stones are not making lots of money off the program. Aside from the cost of employing less than 20 employees, and cost of operation (which is pretty expensive, as I've seen the yearly cost of operating) the profits are spent on those in need and to fulfill the programs purpose. Anyone in need of clothing can stop at the office to get a voucher for free clothing at the thrift stores. The names of those people are kept tracked of but no one in need is turned away.
I have seen 8-10 postings about you (I dont count, but there were a couple days when they were being posted all throughout the day), particularly, on craigs list. I'm sure that they get flagged and removed, since they are not related to kids and babies, but I have seen them. And I have also seen the two that you mentioned. Those, I find silly. The others were in regards to the way that you have treated people (similar to the way you have treated me). I have also seen the responses you have made to some people, ending with "Shop at my store".
If you are willing to donate the chair to me, I am willing to donate $20, the baby items I mentioned and a pair of maternity jeans and a maternity top I found in my closet, to your store. They are all stain free and I know that at some other children's resale stores, they would sell the jeans alone from $10-12 each, though they would only give $3 in store credit to the person taking them in. Hopefully the items would help you to make up the loss of your generosity. Please let me know if you are willing to take my donation and I will borrow a vehicle to make that long awaited visit to your store.
Well thank you and I do consider (reasonable) offers is what the add says.
Your comment about so many people posting comments. I have had 2 TWO negative comments. One lady was upset because I did not want clothing stained. My post said I bring life back to unwanted items. I can not remove stains from clothing. I try to buy the best. If my entire store is loaded with items I have bought from my customers and others. Then I must be doing something correct. The other negative remark was about my capitalization of my adds. Believe it or not if you read it. She accused me of shouting buy using all caps and told me it was not proper typing etiquette. I don't have time for that. All caps are a selling attention getter and some people have trouble reading the smaller print. So your comment about all the negative comments I only know of two and they have both been remedied.
Your definition of donation is completely off base.
Let me educate you on non profit organizations donations. Stepping Stones is a perfect example. There entire store is donations. They sell some things reasonable and other items way to high for an item that was donated. Every item they sell is 100% PROFIT it was donated......Non profit means they give a very very small portion of there PROFITS to a charity (the women's shelter). Not all there profits a small PORTION OF PROFITS. They pay all the employees, they are not volunteers (some are at times) they have a staff and they all get paid just like any other operation with employees. So to say a donation is given implies that it won't be sold for profit?
how the heck does anyone make any money? Hopes Attic is the same. A non profit organization is by law suppose to post in the store for the community to see. Exactly how much they give to the charity they support. By Law. None of them do this. It is kept a secret. If you ask to see the numbers they will make an excuse not to show you numbers.
So donation to a thrift or resale shop by no means means there will be no profit made on it. It is completely the opposite.
I like how you use the word slander I am very much aware of that action....The remarks that have been made about my store by 2 people isn't going to hurt my success. They are the people who are bored and have nothing better to do but cause trouble. I cant make every person happy but I do try. I will work on my advertising wording and maybe get some coaching with it. I am just another person here on earth trying to the best of my ability to make a living. I have no business degree. I have no resale experience. I am just trying. It's all a person can do. As far as the donations I asked from you. It was for something of no value to you (to small maybe don't play with..It would help compensate for my loss in selling the $30.00 item for so cheap. I was trying to work with you and cover my end at the same time.
Any how this is all ridiculous. I wish you the best of luck with your new baby and your fiancé. May things become easier for you and blessing fall upon you. I would love to give you the chair not as a charity case as a gift from me to you. As times are tough for most of us. Please accept the chair as a token of my appreciation for your thoughts, that may help me run a better and successful business in the future. If you would like I can deliver it for you.
From: ME
If I previously wrote to you, I was asking about the hours the store is open. For about 6 months, I've been meaning to make it to your store but it's so far away and I don't have a vehicle so I cannot drive anywhere I like.
I've seen so many people post horrible things about you and your store and all I have thought was "maybe those are the rude people who have nothing better to do than to slander someone who didn't give them what they wanted."
"I am willing to go $20.00 if you have some type of donation. Toys not being played with, clothes to small any thing. " This is what you said. I asked if the donation was to needy families or to your store. I have no problem with TRADING items to lower the price, there is nothing wrong with that. But the concept of a donation usually implies that it won't be sold for anyone to make a profit, and so I asked because I assumed you meant "trade". Then I told you what I have, which isn't much because I have already given everything to others in need.
Your posting said "OBO" which means an offer, not a trade. If $20 was not a good enough offer, you could just say no. Or, if you aren't willing to sell it at a best offer, don't mention that, just make a note that you will give discounts only to trade or donations. I don't think that $30 is a bad price for the highchair, but I just can't afford it. Just like I cannot afford to donate $20 worth of food to get a discount of $5.
My baby is not sitting on her own, but she is sitting assisted just fine. In 3 weeks, I will be moving to live with my Fiancee and will not be able to shop very frequently in the prescott area. And so, I saw your chair and knew that a time would soon come when i would need it (since I took out the one I was loaned 2 days ago to discover how filthy and uncleanable it is), and so I made an offer. The response to that offer made it clear to me that OBO was not really what it was, and the false advertising is what made me upset. I am a poor person, but I am not uneducated. Sometimes my very direct style of writing may sound "hostile" just like your response to that letter sounds just as hostile.
I don't hold grudges, and I'm not going to slander you on craig's list. I will assume that you are somewhat sensitive because of all those people and think nothing of the previous email.
However, it still stands that I would like to buy the chair but can't afford to donate $20 of food for a $5 discount and I can't afford $30. I have 4 receiving blankets, 3 outfits and a jacket that I can trade. I don't have any mailed coupons because I don't have my own residence. I have no intention of taking your chair for free, being poor is not an excuse to take advantage of others, but if you are willing to sell the chair for $20 with my trade in of the baby clothes, please let me know. Otherwise you can just tell me no.
Thanks for taking the time to speak your mind. I suggest avoiding potentially misleading advertisements to cut back on the hostile emails from others on craig's list. Principle is very important to some people.
It sounds to me as if you are a bit hostile. We have had communication via craigs list before. I remember your name Jennifer Bennett. I was asking $30.00 for the in excellent condition high chair. I believe a reasonable offer would have been $25.00. I am not a thrift store that gets every single item in my store donated to me. Like Stepping Stones and Hopes Attic. I have purchased every item in my shop at this time. I have gone to yard sales to estate sales to auctions to other thrift shops to purchase items. I usually bring them home repair repaint wash scrub and clean every item. Then it goes back to the store to be resold at a very small profit. Considering I BOUGHT the item, I have put my time into driving around to sales and finding my items, the cleaning and repair of the item, sometimes costing a little money. None of my items are on consignment and I have no store credit set up. I BUY EVERYTHING. That is why I am a resale/thrift shop. Not strictly thrift. Items that are donated which isn't much I can sell for very cheap. Items I purchase I have to sell at resale price rather than thrift price.
You have made me an offer and you have not even seen the chair. I believe that is a little unfair considering you have no idea the quality of what you are asking me to sell at $20.00. I work hard and I have started this shop to make my families ends meet. I am not a charity case. I was asking for help for the food bank not for me personally. I am giving $1.00 of my money for every 4 cans of food for the FOOD BANK that is money straight out of my pocket. And if you are a parent who goes to the food bank you of all people should be a little more considerate. I am trying to keep food in the food bank for people like you and your knocking me down.
If you were to make a donation it would be priced at thrift store pricing and I would be lucky to make cents on the item. You can answer your own question are you donating to people in need or to the store. What you don't realize is if I didn't start this shop myself I to would be eating from the food banks. My family and friends have all helped me. People like you can be so ungrateful. I do not want your donations, continue to donate to the Health Family Program.. If you are in such need you may come to my shop introduce your self and I will give you the chair for free. I hope you and your family have a blessed holiday. And out of the kindness in my heart grab a toy while your at the shop for your little one. God Bless you.
One other thing if your daughter is only 3 months not even sitting on her own I would assume. This chair would be much to large for her. AND I did mention the Super Saver coupon book to you with several coupons in it for the store. One being buy a $25.00 purchase get $5.00 off. Again I am giving from my pocket. My clothing shoes and purses with coupon are buy two get one free. Toy coupon is buy one toy get one 50% off. And the week of Dec 15th car seats, strollers, walkers, jumpers, play yards,bassinets, and cribs are 25%-50% off. You tell me of another children's resale shop in town that offers those coupons. You can't they don't exist. The other children's resale shop in town (NO NAME GIVEN) gives credit then turns around and puts little signs on larger items that say CAN NOT BE BOUGHT WITH STORE CREDIT?
From: ME
So, my seemingly reasonable offer of $20 is denied unless I donate $20 worth of food so I can get a $5 discount making it $25?
Unfortunately, at the moment, I am one of those people that the food bank sells those packages of food to. I have 4 receiving blankets, 3 summer outfits and a jacket. I have already donated everything else that my baby has outgrown to the hospital's healthy family program, who in return offers me clothing donated from other families or knitted by a church group.
Would my "donation" of clothes be a donation to people in need or a donation to your store? I have no toys that my baby doesn't need because she is only 3 months old.
Please let me know if the clothes and blankets are enough, otherwise I cannot afford to buy your highchair.
I am willing to go $20.00 if you have some type of donation. Toys not being played with, clothes to small any thing. Or I am giving $1.00
credit for every 4 cans of food you bring in to go to the food bank here in town. Up to $5.00. So go through the pantry and bring what you can donate. It will reduce your price. Also the Super Saver coupon book Yellow has great savings coupons for this month. Thanks hope to see you. COH
From: ME
If the highchair is still available, would you take $20 for it? I don't have a lot of money so I was loaned one by my sister in law, but it's so filthy that I don't want my baby sitting in it. If it's still available and you are willing to sell it for $20, I will try to find the store tomorrow to pick it up.