I thought this would an appropriate place to post, since my husband and I live in a travel trailer and go wherever we want to go. Right now we are in Urbanna, Virginia, a little place about 85 miles north of Norfolk on the Rappahanock River. The town has a population of about 600. We are working at a campground here until the middle of November.
I wanted to plant some basil and thyme but did not have a flowwer pot. I went to town and found a little thrift shop. It is run by the ladies that support the library in town. They have a lot of the usual stuff, clothing, shoes, pots and pans, dishes, but no flower pots. I found a pretty little basket for $1.00. Lined with a plastic bag, filled with potting soil, it is just beautiful. I put some onions in there, too. Now i can have fresh herbs and onions all summer.
I have spotted a couple more thrift shops that I have not had time to explore. Will let you know about them whenever I have a chance to go see them.