Author Topic: Beetle Watch Mod  (Read 30349 times)

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Offline AlienEeeter

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    • Dead End Streets
Beetle Watch Mod
« on: August 13, 2008, 09:56:35 PM »

I found some necklaces made out of butterfly wings online and I really liked them, but they were too expensive.  The idea of real bugs for jewelry really interested me, but I was too squidgy to kill a butterfly...Luckily my garden had an infestation of japanese beetles this year, and they're very jewel-like, in their own way...

The watch came in a bag with 3 other watches and a brooch for 1.50.  So with the cost of beads and glue...this cost me maybe 40 cents.

The thing is, I have zombie fear and about gave myself a heart attack trying to mount this thing.  Now that it's safely under glass I'm okay. :)

Dead End Streets:
they're broke, badly dressed, & barely human.
(This is my serialized e-novel, updated TTh)


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Re: Beetle Watch Mod
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2008, 10:10:20 AM »
Very cool and beautiful. Very Egyptian sacred, if you know what I mean. The Egyptians held the (scarab) beetle in very high esteem. I do love your creativity! 

You can actually read the time with this, right? Even if not, it is a strong statement jewelry piece. I applaud your resourcefulness and eye for beautiful nature.

Since we are on the subject of (dead) insects, I have one to share:

At the dr. this week, (8-11)  SpaceCadet ("SC") waited in the car for me while I was inside (when we go to drs. here, it's a road trip, since they are all so far away) When it came time to pay the bill, I walked outside to beckon him in. The parking space next to our car was empty. We went back inside for--let's say--for 7 minutes--and came back out: right across from the my passenger door, in that same empty space, lay a dying Monarch butterfly. I was so upset! It had not been there 8 minutes earlier. It was fluttering its last. I pointed it out to SC and he said "Of course, you want to take it home, right?" Of course I did. So he found a little twig and gently lifted it into the backseat of our car, where it went to butterfly heaven in air-conditioned comfort. I was so sad. I said little prayers for it on the 1.5 hour drive home.

It's in perfect condition. We we got home, I researched the net on how to (amateurly) mount it/the drying out process. Hubby did it for me of course. The little legs lay perfectly in Bela-Lugosi-like splendor. I have it next to my computer in the kitchen, where I make several stops during my busy day to admire it and thank it for allowing me to help it "cross over" and then letting me have its earthsuit.

Like you, AE, I had been admiring insect art the week before--I found actual mounted butterflies at a thrift, but the frame said "Made in Thailand" and it seemed sad to me to find them there, plus they were damaged and expensive. But this experience happened to me and it works. It's "in the Zeitgeist",  if you know what I mean.

Wear your watch in the very best of health!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2008, 10:26:53 AM by SeSo_Says_So »

Offline anastasiabeaverhausen

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Re: Beetle Watch Mod
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 01:35:10 PM »
thats a very very neat idea! I try so hard to think out of the box...Im with you guys especially about the butterflies..I found 4 red ones the other day floating in a mud puddle...I pulled them out and laid them on the ground...hoping they would revive...not sure if they did...but hated to see them in the old puddle...and boy do we have crickets this year in eastern North carolina...I could prolly make a belt out of crickets daily, Ive never seen so many...wonder if its a sign of something......


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Re: Beetle Watch Mod
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 01:52:37 PM »
thats a very very neat idea! I try so hard to think out of the box...Im with you guys especially about the butterflies..I found 4 red ones the other day floating in a mud puddle...I pulled them out and laid them on the ground...hoping they would revive...not sure if they did...but hated to see them in the old puddle...and boy do we have crickets this year in eastern North carolina...I could prolly make a belt out of crickets daily, Ive never seen so many...wonder if its a sign of something......

That is really interesting on the cricket sightings in your area. It would be curious to learn if it means something, like a cold winter, you know, nature/folklore. I know  the Chinese used to keep crickets as pets. When I would visit Chinatown many years ago, there would be "cricket cages" for sale...they looked like small, gilded mansions, with small, open bars.  They(the crickets) were considered good luck, I think.

How sweet of you to rescue those butterflies! I hope they lived, too.       

BTW, I just read something interesting about your sister state, Miss S. Carolina--that it's actually a beautiful state to visit in the Autumn to view the fall foliage! And you can do it later in the season, also, as the leaves peak later due to the state being so far south. We could make it up there in a day, from CFL. Do you--or anyone--know anything about this? I forgot where I read it.

Offline anastasiabeaverhausen

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Re: Beetle Watch Mod
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2008, 04:21:52 PM »
I hope the flutterbys lived too SeSo..:}
Ive never seen SC in the fall but my son goes to Appalachian State up in Boone NC. It is right by the Blue Ridge PKWY so we always make fall trips...its incredible, his fiancee is in the Arts Education/therapy program there...and her fall photography and crafts are sensational
Im gonna find out if there is any folklore here in NC about so many crickets...

Offline oceangurl

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Re: Beetle Watch Mod
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2008, 04:52:20 PM »
Oh you-all are so funny about trying to save insects. My brother teases me because whenever were in his pool and I see something floating I gentley take it out and put it on the concrete hoping it will make it, he makes gestures with his hands , rubbing them on his eyes, like Iam a big crybaby or something! Anyhow I also save spiders in my home and other bugs safely capturing them usually under a glass with a magazine slid underneath. I respect ALL living things no matter how big no matter how small, I cant help thinking alot of the times, there go I by the grace of God! The only thing I do not save are palmetto or roach bugs, I really dont like them, so its comforting to know that Iam not the only "softie" out there! :)


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Re: Beetle Watch Mod
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2008, 04:58:48 PM »
Oh you-all are so funny about trying to save insects. My brother teases me because whenever were in his pool and I see something floating I gentley take it out and put it on the concrete hoping it will make it, he makes gestures with his hands , rubbing them on his eyes, like Iam a big crybaby or something! Anyhow I also save spiders in my home and other bugs safely capturing them usually under a glass with a magazine slid underneath. I respect ALL living things no matter how big no matter how small, I cant help thinking alot of the times, there go I by the grace of God! The only thing I do not save are palmetto or roach bugs, I really dont like them, so its comforting to know that Iam not the only "softie" out there! :)

O brother, can I relate! Spacecadet and I try to save everything we find in the house (and being in Florida, we find things at least once a day, lol, in the summer.) I'm with you, Oceangurl, I do not suffer a roach to live, lol. If my cats don't get them, we vacuum them up. The bigger they are, the louder the PLOP! they make when they hit the cannister.  The really BIG spiders, alas, I must vacuum up as well--I'm talking about the ones the size of my (petite, feminine) hand--which is still pretty damn big. l I feel bad, but I can't  risk  being bitten. We have both black and brown widows here, wolf spiders, and brown recluse. I think the wolf may be the biggest. Lots of BIG furry ones.

You must rescue the gekkos too, lol. 

Offline oceangurl

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Re: Beetle Watch Mod
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2008, 03:44:51 PM »
Tee-Hee yeah I do save the! Wish I wasnt such a mamby pamby and just not care but then I get a bad Karmic feeling if I dont save something...might sound silly but like I said i respect all things no matter the size! But yes Iam with you on the big fuzzy spiders I dont like them or roaches so bye bye! You crack me up Seso about them hitting the vacuum cannister, that is so true, I have been known in the heat of the moment..awakend from a deep sleep... to pop one with a hammer to make sure it dosent get me, this happened to me one time when I was sleeping and a roach , I mean HUGE ...crawled on my butt, in my stupor and sleep mode I swatted it off and then I heard a poom, like something hitting the floor, I jumped up out of a deep sleep and went and got the small hammer in my kitchen came back sat on  the ground and put a small nightlight on and it finally came out, then I popped it, I just could NOT fall back to sleep knowing that that thing was in there so that was my only recourse, of course I felt bad but then again I did want to go back to sleep, so I was comforted in knowing it wasnt going to crawl back on! :D
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 03:46:26 PM by oceangurl »

Offline akbjr

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Re: Beetle Watch Mod
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2008, 03:07:48 PM »
Some great posts here, SeSo, beautiful story about the butterfly. I really admire you for doing that. I like that "earthsuit" phrase. You guys are great. Have to admit, one thing I like about Ak is the general lack of too many "bugs". Of course we have mosquitoes, like everyone, & I find an occasional spider, which I hate & I admire those of you who can save even spiders.