We have a fair number of artists on our Freecycle who are looking for things one would usually throw away, like broken or chipped dishes, odd pieces of rods and the like. We also have a lot of homeschoolers looking for stuff to enhance education with, for example items that can be used to make something or do an experiment. And then we have a lot that are asking for clothes for kids or household items. It's probably 90 percent ads for people asking for stuff, but a lot is rally reasonable.
We do however have those who want their whole homes/apartments furnished with everything or want complete wardrobes. And I really want to send them out to the thrift stores! I think they would have much better luck than asking on freecycle especially when being picky about colors, patterns, etc.
I have offered a lot of things and also answered a fair number of wants. One was really funny because I was at a thrift and they had a huge box of plastic hangers they were selling for a dollar. To let you know how many hangers there were, they filled the whole trunk of the car. Well, there were a lot of child size hangers in there and I knew I would use some of them for small items, but no way could I use all of them.
I was about to bundle them up to take to another thrift store when wsomeone asked on freecyle for kid sized plastic hangers. So I was able to pass then on where they can be used. That was great.