Way cool idea! that's thinking outside the box. I like your reason for getting the dutch oven also, liking the color & price, then finding a use for it. That's intuitive thinking.
I recently got what seems to be a cast iron muffin pan with a dark blue finish that has only 11 muffin "spaces". Really unique, & again, liked the color & price. Haven't been baking lately, but want to begin again. Either way muffin tins can be used for lots of "little item" storage. Lately have been into making "magazine paper beads" for necklaces, can use it for different colored beads as I make them. BTW, if anyone is interested in a cool fun craft, probably many did paper beads as kids, but I never had. I saw some awesome jewelry made by women in Africa at a local outdoor fair, it was fairly priced but I couldn't afford any. I googled paper beads, found a method I liked, & have make 4 necklaces that are long enough to wear doubled. Those were the ones I was most fascinated by at the fair booth. I have lots of magazines, my fave necklace's are made from Outside mag, & Vogue mag. Each page makes about 14-15 beads that you cut into triangles, then I wind them around a straightened coat hanger, glue with Elmer's, then coat twice with ModPodge. I can "listen" to DVD's that I've watched before wihile working, so am multitaksing... Got a bit off subject here, sorry. Was going to donate the magazines to a thrift, but then this craft presented itself.