winter must be getting to me when I am looking at these kinds of projects.
This bra purse is made with a lightweight Lycra bra, a padded bra would provide more stability, obviously the bigger the bra cup the bigger the purse.
Start by removing the straps from the cups.
You can keep the cups together with most bras, but it will depend on the type you are using. If you separate the cups you will glue them back together along the wire line. Glue the cups together to form the pursepouch.
Glue the straps back on to form the handles, these can be short or long depending on your bag style. Use the actual bra straps to keep the purse "Bra Looking" but you could swap for a cord or ribbon. Just attach to the top of the bra where the straps normally sit.
If you are use a Strapless bra then glue handles into the inside edge of the cup.
Embellish the handbag by gluing on trims, ribbons and sequins to your desired style. You can add a little or a lot.
This is from a craft site saying it would be good for breast cancer awareness. I will make one because I believe in the cause,but should I admit this? I do not own a bra so will have to thrift one.
Also gives me incentive to post a picture.