Thanks for all the well-wishes, folks!

I've tried and tried to post photos but I keep getting an error message saying the upload folder is full.

The reception went well. I sold one piece. (So far...the show continues through May, so wish me luck...!)
Sacremento is sooooooooo big time.
Haha, SeSo, you're funny! Sactown is soooo
not big time! I've been showing my work here for twenty years, so it's just home to me. There are a lot of artists here and we all know each other and go to each other's shows.

Isnt what you do called "Altered Art?"
I guess it is. I just call my work "mixed-media assemblages and collages." Sometimes it fits into the category of "recycled art" or "found art," too. The quilted things I make are harder to describe. Sometimes I stitch paper into them, and I've used things like lint, hair, blood, and photos in quilted wall hangings, too. I've also made three-dimensional things that are hard to describe. I think the term "stuff" covers it all! I make stuff!

Since I can't seem to post photos here, I'll try to post them in the gallery.