Best Stores Near Austin, TX

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Sponsored Thrift Stores, Secondhand Vintage and Consignment Shop Listings Austin, TX

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All Thrift Stores, Secondhand Vintage and Consignment Shop Listings for Austin, TX

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2 mi
2927 Guadalupe St.
Austin, TX 78705

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This is the most elegant thrift store you will ever see. The merchandise is priced to sell, with color tag sales going on all the time. There are pricy consignment items, but they are pretty terrific to consider, and not often seen outside of high end antique shops. Great stuff, Great cause, interesting people, and just large enough to take 30 minutes to really go through. This is the place I donate stuff to since they are a true charity thrift, and not an evil corporation who only mouths their charity work. Very Creative. (Read More)

3.7 mi
4902 Burnet Rd.
Austin, TX 78756

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