Best Stores Near Mountain View, MO 65548

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All Thrift Stores, Secondhand Vintage and Consignment Shop Listings for in Zip Code 65548 Mountain View, MO

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Daily specials with 1/2 price and $.25 items. Stale book selection, but the local library has an all-purpose room worth a visit where all books are a quarter and they have a good selection. (Read More)

0.1 mi
202 W. 1st St.
Mountain View, MO 65548

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Loved the kitty wandering the store but not the animal odors - shared shelter/thrift store and the store reeks. Bought a few craft pamphlets and days later they are still airing out. Would like to buy books but can't imagine curling up with a good mystery that smells like wet dog. (Read More)

14.6 mi
4138 State Route BB
West Plains, MO 65775

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