Sts. Peter & Paul Thrift Shop

Payment Methods Accepted:

Sts. Peter & Paul Thrift Shop

386 N. Castell Ave., New Braunfels, TX 78130


Religious Outreach

Charity Affiliation: Sts. Peter & Paul
Hours: Open . Closes 2:00 PM
  • Mon : Closed
  • Tue : Closed
  • Wed : 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Thu : 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Fri : 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Sat : 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Sun : Closed

386 N. Castell Ave.
New Braunfels , TX 78130

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Selection (5)
Pricing (2)
Organization (5)
Customer Service (1)
Cleanliness (5)
Overall (3.6)

My family and I have been members of Saints Peter & Paul Church for 20+ years myself and my sister attended school here. My late aunt Marie Hammer donated a lot of money to the church in the past several years and attended church daily until she died. My father USED to shop and donate to the thrift store frequently. My father also suffered from a brain aneurysm and two subsequent strokes 2 years ago, when that happen a check bounced that he used at the thrift store because he was intensive care for many months. After he recovered he paid the fine he explained what happened and they allowed him to write checks here again. My father just told me that he was HARASSED by a police officer named John who hangs around there. My father was leaving the store and the lady told him he was on the no check writing list, he said that was a mistake but that he would come back tomorrow to pay for the items anyway. So while my father was walking back to the car to bring the box of donated items he had purchased with a good check back into the store. This police officer named John followed him repeatedly said let me help you carry those items back into the store. By the third time my father said no thank you I don't need your help to a complete stranger who was following him to his car. The off duty police officer John still following my father pulls out his badge and says im going to help you carry those items. My father ignores him as he has not done anything wrong and goes to open the driver side door and the police officer goes to put his hand on his hip like his is going for his weapon. The officer then tries to small talk with him and follows my father while he is carrying the box back into the store. So my father proceeded to rip up his check and said that he will still come back the next morning to pay for the items in cash. They write his name on the box set it aside. The next morning on top of being HARASSED at a faith based charity store they put the items that he had in the box with his name on it away!!!! Talk about Christmas spirit! I pray for everyone who "volunteers and bullies" innocent people at the Sts Peter & Paul Thrift Store. Just sad and disappointed.

Unregistered User
Selection (5)
Pricing (5)
Organization (5)
Customer Service (5)
Cleanliness (5)
Overall (5)

Unregistered User
Selection (5)
Pricing (4)
Organization (5)
Customer Service (5)
Cleanliness (5)
Overall (4.8)

Unregistered User
Selection (5)
Pricing (4)
Organization (5)
Customer Service (4)
Cleanliness (4)
Overall (4.4)

Unregistered User
Selection (5)
Pricing (5)
Organization (5)
Customer Service (5)
Cleanliness (5)
Overall (5)